Stop Attacking Sudan! Anti War Demo at MIT Thursday 11:30 Bld. 7 Lobby
Stop Attacking Sudan !
There will be a Anti War Demonstration at MIT Tomorrow Thurs. 11:30am
outside Building 7 Lobby.
We will be demonstrating against a large Zionist pro
war rally at MIT Lobby 7 on Thursday at 11:30. We
have fliers, banners and will be chanting...
Stop Attacking Sudan!
Stop Racist Lies Against Muslims, Arabs And Africans!
This is a big event and needs to be challenged before
the US and Zionists invade Sudan more than they
already have and kill many more Africans and steal more oil
and African resources.
So please read the flier,
"Stop the US and Zionist war against Sudan"
...and read the supporting links then bring some anti war
friends join us at MIT tomorrow Thursday at 11:30 at
building 7 Lobby to say...
Stop Attacking Sudan!
Free Palestine! End The Occupation!
From The River To The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free!
Thank you,
Boston Anti Zionist Action
Global Anti Zionist Action