Monday, October 01, 2007

Jewish Billionare's Fangs Off Myanmar

http://nacazai. org/VictorytoMyanmar07.html

North American Committee Against Zionism and Imperialism (NACAZAI)
For the Decisive Victory of Myanmar against Imperialism and the Defense of her Ethnic Character and Territorial Independence!

--- Statement of the North American Committee Against Zionism and Imperialism (NACAZAI)
On the occasion of on-going disruptions against the peace and security of Myanmar, orchestrated by the global imperialists and carried out by traitors to the nation, the North American Committee Against Zionism and Imperialism (NACAZAI) declares its total solidarity with Myanmar and her leadership against internal and external enemies of people.

The leading "dissident" of Myanmar, San Aung Suu Kyi, is little more than a puppet of western imperialism and cosmopolitan death. She has been praised by such mouthpieces as US President Bush, and seeks the goal of a liberal western-oriented Myanmar assimilated into the "global community".

One finds in these committees to "Free Burma" a blatant affinity for liberalism, and demands that US and western imperialist countries intervene politically and militarily in order to "save" them. They constitute a toilet bowl of western intellectuals and those of Myanmar's compatriots who posses a deep alienation with the dynamic self-pride of their people's culture.

(And They Are owned by Jewish Billionare George Soros and Promoted by his Move On, Avazza and The International Crisis group)

The people of Myanmar are under the radar guns of the enemy, aside from geo-political reasons and issues of wealth from national resources and the illicit drug trade which the regime has squashed, primarily because they are a proud nationalistic people deeply unsuited to globalism. As part of the international conspiracy of the enemies of nations, Myanmar is sought for "regime change" so to as to destroy the conscious racial identity of Myanmar, her nationalistic and patriotic outlook, her strong family structure, the fanatical love of Buddhism as expressed by her peasant classes, and the capacity of Myanmar to defeat an imperialist invasion with the twelfth largest military in the world.

Hence, regardless of any legitimate need for the transformation of social relations in Myanmar and emancipation of her worker and peasant classes, the overwhelmingly primary contradiction is between the Myanmar nation and the forces of imperialist subjugation and eternal death from national nihilism.

We ruthlessly condemn all measures of sanctions and embargoes directed against Myanmar, and reject the globalist conspiracy to isolate her politically from the friendship of nations. Furthermore, we affirm that all progressive and revolutionary forces of the world should defend the right of Myanmar to assert the sovereignty of her political and territorial independence.

The overwhelmingly greatest enemy of Myanmar is not any regime, past or present, but US and Western European imperialism, and those attached to it.

Victory to Myanmar in the anti-imperialist showdown! Down with the enemies of a world made of nations!

Why the sudden interest in Burma?

Stop The US Zionist, Imperialist, Jewish Billioniares War On China and China's "Weapons of Mass Production"

So why, after 45 years of ignoring the military junta's rule in Burma, does our media suddenly focus so intensely on the streets of Yangon? The answer is simple. China has been finalising plans for a pipeline "to connect Burma's deep-water port of Sittwe to the city of Kunming in the landlocked Yunnan province of southwestern China." This would effectively circumvent the Empire's stranglehold on oil shipments to East Asia, an issue of massive geostrategic importance.”

China Approves Oil Pipeline to Burma:
"China wants to build the pipeline to reduce its dependence on oil tankers traveling through the Strait of Malacca with shipments of crude oil from the Middle East and Africa."

“distraction from the quagmire in ME and Iran. Whenever these guys talk about human rights in some country its almost always a distraction and psychological preparation of masses for the next war

“…And by getting rid of the current regime, Burma will become integrated into the international banking system, which will keep the Burmese enslaved.

"International oil and international banking. QRS suspects that the closer you look at these two, the more they are revealed to be one and the same monster. “

“In the drug trade, it's all about monopoly.”

“Burma/Myanmar has very large reserves of Gas that China wants and the Zionist US doesn't want it to have for cheap - and so far they've resisted financial infiltration by the moneychangers. Both these factors among others (Drugs, Oil) are good enough reasons for the zionized US government to get embroiled. There is one thing that we can all agree on, however - it's NOT a humanitarian cause. The fascination with Burma/Myanmar is about power, greed, and most importantly CONTROL.”

“ If Move On (and their new front group Avaaz) were an anti-war group they would have a petition to stop the US/Ethiopian occupation of south Somalia - where this Washington Post article admits the Ethiopian (US-proxy) troops have killed 1000 people in "recent weeks" - instead of having an imperialist pro-war petition against Myanmar where all they can come up with is that the the Myanmar government allegedly shot 9 demonstrators. The "israeli" zionists, funded by our taxes, kill more Palestinians than that every week in Gaza. I don't see any petitions for Palestine from Move On.

Note that U.S. assistant secretary of state Jendayi Frazer (who is mentioned in this article as having gone to Mogadishu Somalia recently to support the phony puppet government that the Ethiopians/Americans have set up there to try to justify the occupation) also was the Bush administration speaker at the pro-war rally against Sudan in April 2005 in Washington DC. Move On, and Jewish billionaire George Soros's other groups, have played a large role in inciting war against Sudan as well.

The anti-Sudan and anti-Myanmar propaganda are both tactics in imperialist economic warfare against China.”

"China has a trade surpus meaning they have amassed a fortune of currency from selling americans every diposable consumer item thier credit cards can handle. New York billionares want all that money and control over all the chineses currency, trade and economic activity the same way they control the US currency thru the Federal Reserve bank Corporation. The threats to boycott the olympics are just a extortion shake down to extract hugh amounts of cash payoffs in the form of chineses investments in New York money peoples private equity firm IPOs."

With three countries -- Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam -- vying for the off-shore oil booty in seas where maritime borders are contested, the Cheney gangster cartel hopes to achieve a dominant position to grab that oil. (Burma is right next door. On September 16, 2006, the USA supported a military coup that overthrew Thailand's democratically elected government. Ralph Boyce -- U.S. ambassador to Thailand -- now sports a yellow tie to show his support for the royalist-backed coup, since yellow is the color of the monarchy.”

"Burma is huge in the heroin trade Burma and the Golden Triangle was the largest supplier of heroin for a long time. Now it's Afghanistan and Mexico is coming on fast. In the drug trade, it's all about monopoly. Oil will always be 2nd to the drug trade over all in profits. Just so happens oil is high at the moment."

Burma in the news at the moment is about DRUGS! Oil, Drugs, Banking, or Gas ? I suspect it's a little of all.

Here is the US Imperialists/Think tank blue print and talking points for the war on china.