Mike Gould-Wartofsky "gets made" by George Soros by FLIPSIDE
Why are angry jewish kids from Harvard stealing and burning buses, harrasing locals, and spreading tourism ruining rumours around the world in Mexico ?
Who is paying for their street blocking , bus burning, regime overthrowing armed extortionists drug habits and why ?
"Inversely, if Mexico, Syria or Iraq kept better tabs on Bradley Will, Brian Conolly, Kelly Lee, or Mike Wartofsky, then various wannabe revolutionary human intelligence and armed struggle students could be screened out of the international hospitality process. I am not talking about keeping Peter Tosh from his reggae performances with a red X. I am talking about keeping crackers on warfare safari from wilding in third world countries while drawing the fire of paramilitaries onto local peasants."
Mike Gould-Wartofsky "gets made" by George Soros by FLIPSIDE
Harvard's Communist Crown Prince, Mike Gould-Wartofsky
has graduated. Now, naturally we get to hear what a
horrible experience that was, having our professional
socialist academic Mum and Dad (Carol Gould, Marx
Wartofsky) send him to the nation's top Ivy League
school. Naturally, the expose of how fascist and evil
Harvard was will be featured in the nation's top
publications as Wartofsky is embraced as the new
darling of The Nation magazine, and as the whole
scroll of guaranteed leftist publishing and
syndication invitations extends, and this pampered
graduate begins to drink ever more deeply from the
giant teat of leftist media largesse. Congratulations
to him.
Read the full article here: